Australia: Ex-PM Julia Gillard admits same-sex marriage is inevitable
Former Prime Minister Julia Gillard – who opposed same-sex marriage while in office – has admitted that equal marriage is inevitable in Australia.
The Labor politician was Prime Minister from 2010 until 2013, amid a bitter leadership feud with pro-equality Kevin Rudd.
While Gillard was Prime Minister, the House of Representatives rejected equal marriage by 98-42, and the senate by 41-26.
However, in an interview with Channel Nine today she conceded that equal marriage will eventually become law in Australia.
She said: “I accept the course of human history now is that we are going to see same-sex marriage here and in, you know, most parts of the developed world.”
“I’ve got what may be in the modern age a kind of old-fashioned, feminist view about, can we take the traditional institution of marriage and stretch it?
“Or do you create some other way of solemnising relationships and recognising them as of worth and status?
“When I was a young feminist I would’ve said overwhelmingly the gay community was on that track too, but things have changed.”
Rodney Croome of Australian Marriage Equality said: “I urge those Labor MPs who continue to be conflicted about marriage equality to consider Julia Gillard’s comments and ensure they are on the right side of history when marriage equality is next voted on.”
“Equality and choice are two key feminist principles which Ms Gillard lost sight of by opposing marriage equality and hopefully they are now coming back in to focus.”
The Labor party, currently in opposition, is set to support a backbench same-sex marriage bill later this year, but the ruling Liberal party is still likely to oppose the measure.