US: Washington Olympic Committee lacks LGBT membership

An LGBT-supported organisation advocating for the 2024 Olympic Games to be held in Washington, DC is reportedly lacking LGBT members.
Michael Rogers, Washington-based activist and blogger, was the first to voice concerns that the committee’s lack of LGBT membership is not in line with their claim to represent the full diversity of the people of DC, reports the Washington Blade.
Brent Minor and Vince Micone, LGBT sports activists, said they are fully confident the committee will represent the needs and concerns of LGBT athletes.
Minor said: “I don’t interpret the board’s makeup as a slight. I’m certain that if the time comes that DC wins the Olympic bid they will be fully inclusive of the LGBT community.”
Washington2024’s communications director, Penny Lee said the committee is still in the creation process and that more people will be added to the board in coming months.
She said: “We’re continuing to find ways in which to engage all communities and be as diverse as possible.”
Rogers says that he does not support the games in DC, not because of the committee’s lack of LGBT membership, but because the games would be a “financial disaster” for the city.
Washington, DC is one of ten US cities vying for the chance to make a bid to the International Olympic Committee to host the 2024 Olympic Games.