US: Anti-gay Duck Dynasty star backs nephew in run for Congress

Homophobic Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson has voices support for his nephew, who is running for Congress.
Phil Robertson appeared in a radio advertisement for his sister’s son Zach Dasher – who is running in Louisiana for the US House of Representatives.
This month he added to controversy again when he claimed that sexually transmitted infections are God’s punishment for gays, and earlier this year gave an Easter Sermon claiming that the “sexually immoral” would go to hell.
Despite the controversy, Robertson appeared in Dasher’s political ad to say: “He has been officially and thoroughly vetted by the Robertson clan”.
Mr Dasher, who is running under the slogan ‘My basic platform begins with God’, has also been under fire for his wife’s belief that homosexuality can be cured.
Jil Dasher wrote on her blog: “I have had folks sit on my couch who have come out of all kinds of addictions; alcohol, heroin, homosexuality, etc and hear them talk of healing and how they were able, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to overcome a life that was destroying them.
“Who wouldn’t want to be a part of that?”