One in five men are unhappy with their penis size

One in five men are unhappy with the size of their penis, according to a study.
According to the Observer’s British Sex Survey, men are less likely to be happy with the size of their penis than ever before.
The survey, which polled 1052 adults, found that just 79% were content with their penis size – down from 86% in 2008 – while 21% are now unhappy with the size of their package.
Men who earn more and Scottish men are far more likely to be happy with their penis size than their poorer English counterparts – with 90% and 88% happy with their size respectively.
Experts have blamed pornography and the media for increasing dissatisfaction with body image – a problem which can disproportionately affect gay men.
The survey also found that almost a sixth of British people think gay sex should be illegal.
16% of the British public thought homosexuality should be criminalised – with the highest figures coming from the South East and London, where 21% thought gay sex should be illegal.
Despite being seemingly a high figure, the overall percentage has dropped from 24% since the last time the survey was carried out, in 2008.
When asked ‘how would you define your sexuality?’, 4% said gay, 4% said bisexual and 92% said straight.
The percentage of people in the UK who think same-sex marrigae should be legal has risen from 53% to 63%, and 61% of people think gay and lesbian couples should be allowed to adopt children.
Overall, the average number of times people have sex each month has dropped considerably, due to a hike in the number of people who don’t have sex at all.