US: Christian group finishes 40-day ‘fast’ to stop same-sex marriage

A Christian group has concluded a 40-day ‘fast’ – during which members could still eat food – aimed at halting same-sex marriage in the US.
The Virginia-based Family Foundation began a coordinated ‘fast’ in August, in order to influence the US Supreme Court into rejecting same-sex marriage.
However, they later quietly clarified that members don’t actually have to give up any food at all to take part in the ‘fast’.
They wrote: “We are asking the entire Body of Christ to join us for this feast – giving up physical food isn’t necessary – but feeding on the spiritual food provided is vital.”
The group finished their 40th day of ‘fasting’ today, writing in a letter to supporters: “Thank you for participating in these 40 HOLY days of prayer and fasting as we have opened the pages of our Marriage Covenant and travelled through the three stage ritual of a traditional Wedding Ceremony in our journey to a more perfect union with the Lord Jesus Christ.
“May you, your family, and your ministry be strengthened and encouraged as you continue to walk in all the ways of holiness, and as you open the hearts of others to the knowledge of the Lord’s extraordinary grace and love. ”
However, their action seems to have had little effect, as even conservative Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia hinted this week that a same-sex marriage case would be heard “soon”.