US: Conservative Rabbi Gil Steinlauf comes out as gay

Conservative Rabbi Gil Steinlauf has come out as gay in a letter sent to congregants.
The Times of Israel reports that the married senior rabbi at Adas Israel in Washington, DC came out on Monday.
In the letter he wrote: “With much pain and tears, together with my beloved wife, I have come to understand that I could walk my path with the greatest strength, with the greatest peace in my heart, with the greatest healing and wholeness, when I finally acknowledged that I am a gay man.
“Sadly, for us this means that Batya and I can no longer remain married, despite our fidelity throughout our marriage and our abiding friendship and love.
“As our divorce is not born of rancor, we pray that together with our children we will remain bound by a brit mishpachah, a covenant of family.”
Steinlauf said that even as a child he noticed a “difference” in himself, but remained married for 20 years to Rabbi Batya Steinlauf, Director of Social Justice and Interfaith Initiatives at the Jewish Community Relations Council.
The couple have had three children together.
In a letter of support, Arnie Podgorsky, the congregation’s president, wrote: “Together with the other officers of Adas Israel, I stand with Rabbi Steinlauf. Our synagogue is strong, large, and inclusive–a big tent with room and respect for all.”