Lynne Featherstone: I still get teary when people say thank you for equal marriage

Lib Dem minister Lynne Featherstone told her party’s conference this week that she gets emotional when people express gratitude for same-sex marriage.
The former equalities minister has been at the Department for International Development since September 2012.
Mentioning the importance of standing up for LGBT rights, the Lib Dem MP said: “LGBT persecution is about power, it’s about keeping people in their place.
“[In Britain] we have made incredible progress, and words can’t really describe the overwhelming joy I felt attending two beautiful wedding ceremonies on that historic day in March, when finally love became equal before the law.”
After applause, she went on to say: “Now often when I speak at an event someone – usually a young man – will sidle up to me at the end and say ‘thank you for what you did’.”
Ms Featherstone added: “It is very emotional, I cry, he cries, but we both know our country is a better place now that marriage is equal.”
Her comments begin at 11.25.
The MP launched the consultation by the UK government on introducing same-sex marriage in England and Wales and was the first politician to take part in the Out4Marriage campaign.