Duck Dynasty star: You can’t get STIs from ‘Biblically correct’ sex

Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson has claimed that it is impossible to get a sexually transmitted infection from ‘Biblically correct’ sex.
The reality star, who is famed for his anti-gay rants, made the comments in a recent sermon.
He said: “You’re not going to get chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis, AIDS… if a man marries a woman, you’re not going to get it ever.
“The Bible said one man, one woman: that’s what I made to begin with. For this reason, we have a male and a female.
“For that reason, those two can come together and be married. And when they marry, what God has joined together, let man not separate.”
“They can procreate, fill the Earth with offspring – they need to stay together just like that.
“You know what those two will never have? They will never have a sexually transmitted disease. You know why?
“They keep their sex between the two of them. They can’t catch a sexually transmitted disease. Biblically correct sex is safe.”
He previously claimed that sexually transmitted infections are God’s punishment for gays, saying: “Do you think it’s a coincidence that all of these debilitating — literally that can cause death — diseases follow that kind of conduct?”
One Direction singer Liam Payne was last month criticised for going on a hunting trip with the Robertsons, after praising their “family values” earlier this year.
Despite the family claiming it had “moved on” from the incident, earlier this year Robertson gave an Easter Sermon claiming that the “sexually immoral” would go to hell.
Robertson recently claimed that he is only as homophobic as Jesus – though his son Alan Robertson has hailed him as a 21st Century prophet more akin to John the Baptist.