Christian Institute: Gays on TV ‘out of proportion’ with reality

The Christian institute has claimed the number of gays on TV is “out of proportion” with reality.
The institute was responding to an Office of National Statistics estimate that 1.2 percent of adults define as gay or lesbian, 0.5 percent as bisexual, and 0.2 percent other.
Simon Calvert of the anti-gay rights group claimed: “These figures show that the amount of political time and energy spent on the many demands of gay campaigners is out of all proportion to their numbers.
“The votes on marriage are the ultimate illustration. Parliament redefined an age-old institution and offended millions for the sake of a tiny number of people – many of whom didn’t even want it.
“It’s the same with the media. The number of homosexuals portrayed on TV is massively out of proportion to their numbers in the real world.
“I’m sure other equally small minority groups wish they could exert as much influence.”
However, the ONS figures only count people who responded to the question by stating the orientation, despite 3.9 percent answering ‘don’t know’, and 1.5 percent refusing to answer.
When integrating those uncertain about their sexuality and those that who refuse to answer, the figure could stand as high as 7.3 percent.