US: Republican Mike Huckabee says equal marriage is a ‘betrayal of our constitution’

Former Arkansas Governor Mark Huckabee has told Republican party members to “grow a spine” and oppose equal marriage legislation, which he says betrays the constitution.
The former GOP Governor of Arkansas, who has threatened to “become independent” over the issue, spoke on Fox News recently about his anger at the Republicans for refusing to put up a fight.
He said same-sex marriage is “inconsistent with nature and nature’s law.”
However, he added: “The bigger issue is with the betrayal of our constitution and the surrender to a small group.”
Mr Huckabee then sent a message to the Republican party as a whole, saying: “Grow a spine, show a modicum of knowledge about the way we govern ourselves, and lead, follow, or get the heck out of the way.”
He has previously stated that he opposes equal marriage partly because of the “ick factor”.