Mail uses Conchita Wurst photo to illustrate how women can avoid menopause facial hair

The Daily Mail has used an image of Conchita Wurst in a feature on how women can avoid facial hair at the point of the menopause.
A caption underneath the 2014 Austrian Eurovision winner read: “Hair today… Eurovision winner Conchita Wurst.”
Using the unrelated image of Conchita predictably attracted several offensive comments from MailOnline readers.
They included: “It is just me or is Conchita Wurst really Ed Miliband dressed up for the talent night contest at the Labour party conference at Blackpool?”
And: “Eat your snickers Conchita, you’re a right diva when you’re hungry.”
But encouragingly, other readers questioned why the image of Conchita had been used in the first place.
“And Conchita is here why?”