Deadline passes for ‘prophecy’ that Vladimir Putin will out Obama

A pastor who claimed that Vladimir Putin will ‘out’ Barack Obama as a gay man is insisting that his prophecy has come true.
Pastor James David Manning, of ATLAH World Missionary Church in Harlem, claimed in August that Vladimir Putin is planning to out Barack Obama as a gay man within 100 days.
He said:Â “I want to prognosticate today that 100 days from now, either Vladimir Putin himself or one of his assistants or someone within the Russian government will call Mr. Long-Legged Mac Daddy [Obama], will call him an outright gay, pervert, homosexual, sodomite.
“This will happen within 100 days, we’re starting the countdown.”
However, the 100 day deadline ended on November 12 with a conspicuous lack of outing – but Manning still claims his prophecy was accurate.
Citing conflicts between Russia and the US in a new video, he said: “The day of prophecy has come true. Vladimir Putin is showing Obama to be a homo and a sodomite.
“What Putin wants to do on this day of prophecy is show that Obama has ovaries, and not cohojnes.
“That’s what the prophecy was about 100 days ago.”
Watch the clip below: