Campaign to save ‘gay’ bull from slaughter receives homophobic abuse

A fundraising campaign to save Benjy the “gay bull” from slaughter has received homophobic backlash and abuse on social media.
It came after a farmer in Ireland said he would send Benjy to the slaughterhouse for showing more interest in other bulls than with cows.
So far, the campaign has received over £3,500 of its £5,000 target.
However, several commentators on YouTube and other social media have been vocal in their opposition, TheGayUK reports.
HH500 on YouTube said: “There are wars going on in the world and you filthy cream puff queers are going on about saving a faggot bull, how about this? Cull the damn bull and lynch you dirty fags. PROBLEM SOLVED.”
linkrock123 added: “Disgusting fuckers. An animal cannot be homosexual. If it willingly chooses to ‘breed’ with a male, it’s because the animal has a mental deficiency. Animals breed to reproduce, nothing else. Perverted freaks.”
Homosexual behaviour has been observed in a number of species in the animal kingdom.
The zookeepers wrote: “In the case reported here, the provider may have found a substitute for teat‐sucking that also resulted in a let‐down of substitute ‘milk’.”