‘Monk’ behind anti-gay leaflets taunts PinkNews: Gays are disciples of the Devil

The man responsible for delivering leaflets across the UK claiming AIDS is “God’s punishment” for gays has written to taunt PinkNews.
Earlier today, PinkNews reported that a ‘Christmas’ leaflet has been distributed across Cambridge claiming that homosexuals are “like vampires”.
Similar reports of a man in a monk’s robe distributing homophobic leaflets across the country have been made over the past year, with the leaflets surfacing in Cambridge, Brighton, Stoke-on-Trent, Lincoln, Leicestershire and Chester.
Previous leaflets claim that homosexuality is linked to paedophilia, and that transgender people should be exorcised.
This afternoon, PinkNews received a hand-written letter from a man identifying himself as ‘Brother Damon Jonah Kelly’, who claims responsibility for delivering the leaflets across the country.
In the letter, he labels PinkNews “the enemy” and “the disciples of the Devil”. He also expresses fondness for the moniker “moronic monk”, names several prominent PinkNews commenters and misgenders trans activists.
It reads:
Dear Pink News.
By the time you recieve this letter and the copy of my ‘Christmas special’ I will leafleted Cambridge for the third time, thereby bringing my 2014 campaign to a satisfactory conclusion, helped no doubt by my good friends the Police. I will then have been arrested no less than 9 times.
I would like to thank you, though you be the enemy, for your dispassionate reporting of my various visitations. But let me fill in the gaps you missed. I also did London Battrersea, Coventry, King’s Lynn, Lincoln again, Ely again, Rugby, Leamington and Warwick, and just recently Northampton. I will now proceed to write a guide book to police custody suites.
Please give my warmest regards to Mr ‘Sarah’ Brown, Mr ‘Jane’ Fae, Mr Paul Fitzgerald of Leicester LGBT, the two lesbian witches of Edward Street, Leicster, Charlie Dale of Loughborough LGBT, Charlie Bell of Cambridge LGBT, Emily Harvey of Leicester LGBT, and the dear woman who took my photograph in Ainsworth Street, Cambridge. And of all the various names given to me by your Twitterers, my favourite was “the moronic monk”.
Now I must leave you, as I begin my 5th term of bail, or possibly remand, who knows? God knows.
I wouldn’t be a good monk if I didn’t exhort you to repentence and conversion to Christ. I have no hatred for “Gays” as individuals, but as a political movement you are Antichrist and the Devil’s diciples, and the Lord has told me to oppose you.
So until sometime in the New Year, I bid you farewell.
Br Damon Jonah Kelly
P.S The Peace of Christ be with you at Christmas
The ‘monk’ did not include a reply address, and PinkNews could find no record of any actual monk by the name Damon Jonah Kelly.
The letter is reproduced below:
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