US: San Antonio Republicans call for repeal of ‘pro-homosexal’ laws

The Republican party in San Antonio has called for the repeal of “pro-homosexual” laws.
A resolution to be discussed by the executive committee of the Bexar County Republican Party launches a direct attack on the city’s equal rights ordinance, which provides protection for LGBT people from discrimination.
The party also plans to repeal domestic partner benefits for same-sex couples, which the resolution claims gives “special rights to homosexuals”.
The resolution falsely claims: “Homosexual, bisexual and transgendered persons already have constitutionally protected civil rights – such persons have applied at all levels of government for special rights based merely upon the behaviour and not upon unchanging characteristics such as race, colour etc.”
According to Out in SA, the resolution also says the anti-discrimination laws: “Allow men to freely use the women’s restroom, locker rooms and changing facilities.
“Gag any city board or commission member from speaking against homosexual behaviour or be subjected to the removal from the group.
“Subject businesses run by people of faith to criminal penalties and expensive lawsuits if they refuse to provide services that conflict with religious beliefs relating to homosexual behaviour.”