Foreign Office condemns ISIS gay executions

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a white background.

The Foreign Office has released a statement condemning the executions by ISIS of men believed to be gay.

WARNING: The content and imagery within this article is extremely disturbing.

Yesterday, Islamic State (ISIS) released more photos of executions of a man they said had a ā€œhomosexual affairā€, showing photos of a man being thrown from a seven-storey building, and then stoned to death when he appeared to survive the fall.

The Foreign Office said: ā€œISIS is not Islam. It is extremism hiding under the banner of religion in order to carry out barbaric, appalling atrocities against Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

ā€œISIS makes no distinction between cultures countries or religion. We condemn ISISā€™s treatment of all people, including LGBT individuals.ā€

Gay rights charity Stonewall said: ā€œIf true, the reports coming out of Iraq and Syria are horrific and yet another reminder of the dangers posed by ISIS to anyone who doesnā€™t conform to their view of the world. ISIS are not just a threat to gay people, but a whole range of groups who simply seek to exercise their fundamental human right to be themselvesā€.



An man, believed to be aged 50, is shown before being thrown from a seven-storey building.