‘Be Aware B4 You Share’ revenge porn campaign launched today

The Ministry of Justice has launched a campaign to raise awareness about the new law against revenge porn.
The Be Aware B4 You Share campaign is targeted at potential perpetrators to caution them about the possible consequences they face. It also aims to provide victims with a source of support.
‘Revenge porn’ refers to the act of posting or publishing a sexual image of a person without their consent. The new offence includes images posted to social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, as well as on porn websites.
The offence covers photographs or films which show people engaged in sexual activity, depicted in a sexual way or with their genitals exposed, where what is shown would not usually be seen in public.
Those who post revenge porn could face up to two years in prison under the Criminal Justice and Courts Bill. A new helpline has also been set up to support victims and will advise callers where they can obtain free, legal advice as well as liaise with law enforcement and media companies to remove the images or videos.
Shailesh Vara MP, Justice Minister, said: “Revenge Porn is humiliating and distressing for the victim. We want to make it clear to victims that we take this issue very seriously and will not stand for this malicious betrayal of trust.
“The real goal is to end revenge porn and our campaign is aimed at raising awareness of the new offence, in order to deter offenders from sharing private intimate photographs and films so we can stop this worrying trend.”
If you have been a victim of revenge porn and want to seek advice, call the helpline on 0845 6000 495.