Gay couple allowed to marry in Texas under one-time order

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A gayĀ couples in the US state of Texas have been allowed to marry despite a state-wide ban on same-sex marriage.

The couple, Suzanne Bryant and Sarah Goodfriend. who married in Austin, were allowed to marry for medical reasons, and a rabbi preceded over the ceremony, after the marriage licence was issued.

Ginny Ballard, a spokeswoman for Travis county said the marriage took place on Thursday, but there was a question over whether the marriage licence had legal standing, reports the Associated Press.

The couple, who were described by officials as “medically fragile”, were allowed to marry after aĀ state district court ordered that officials should not rely on the unconstitutional ban on same-sex marriage in the state.

The state of Texas’ same-sex marriage ban was found unconstitutional last year, but the judge issuing the ruling stayed it, in order to facilitate a state appeal.