WATCH this Catholic couple’s heartfelt plea for equal marriage in Ireland

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A Catholic couple who have been married for 50 years have released a video showing their support for equal marriage in Ireland.

The video has appeared online as part of the pro-equal marriage campaign Vote With Us. Since its release on Sunday, the video has received more than 25,000 views on YouTube.

In the heartfelt video, Brighid and PaddyĀ explain why they believe that all couples should have the opportunity to benefit from the love, protection and companionship they have experienced.

Brighid is clear that it is her Christian faith that has informed her decision to vote yes.

ā€œI know the ever-loving god we believe in will say we did the right thing and the Christian thing and voting yes for marriage equality,ā€ she said.

Honest about how his views have changed, Paddy openly admitted: ā€œ20 years ago I probably would have voted no, but now that I know gay people and see the love and joy they can bring to life, and I will be voting yes.ā€

Brighid and Paddyā€™s contribution is part of the Vote With Us campaign that encourages people all over Ireland and abroad, regardless of sexual orientation, to share why they will be voting ā€˜Yesā€™ in the referendum on 22 May.

Noted drag queen activist Panti Bliss has also added her voice to the campaign, recording a video in which she said: ā€œAt itā€™s simplest, the reason Iā€™m voting for equal marriage is because I believe in equality. The State should cherish all of our relationships equally. For me, itā€™s a no-brainer.ā€