47% of UKIP voters believe gay relationships should be taught in schools

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A higher number of UKIP supporters believe gay relationships should be taught in schools than those who are against the idea, a YouGov survey has found.

The polling organisation surveyed 1,598 adults across Britain earlier this week.

YouGov asked a range of questions about sex education to supporters of the three main Westminster parties (Conservatives, Labour and Lib Dems), along with UKIP.

With ā€˜donā€™t knowsā€™ taken into account, the results showed majority support for discussion and teaching of gay relationships in schools among the main parties.

Support was highest for the Lib Dems: 74% of party voters were in favour of gay relationships being taught in schools, 18% were not in favour of the idea and 8% said ā€˜donā€™t knowā€™.

For Labour: 66% of party voters were in favour of gay relationships being taught in schools, 23% were not in favour and 10% said ā€˜donā€™t knowā€™.

But for UKIP the results were more evenly balanced. Forty seven per cent of party voters were in favour of gay relationships being taught in schools, 45% were not in favour and 8% said ā€˜donā€™t knowā€™.

With all four parties combined: 61% were in favour of gay relationships being taught in schools, 28% were not in favour and 11% were ā€˜donā€™t knowā€™.

Asked whether sexually transmitted diseases should be taught in schools, the results showed majority support for the question among all four parties.

Sixty nine per cent of UKIP voters were in favour of the question, 27% were opposed and only 4% were against.