Did this anti-gay group just tell supporters to vote for nobody in the general election?

An anti-gay group may be disappointed after trying to unseat a Brighton MP over his support for same-sex marriage, as all other candidates actually support it.
After contacting all other Prospective Parliamentary Candidates in that seat, PinkNews has learned that none of them oppose same-sex marriage.
A spokesman for Labour’s PPC for Kemptown, Nancy Platts, told PinkNews that she is “wholly in favour” of same-sex marriage.
Lib Dem candidate Paul Chandler told PinkNews; “I support equal marriage an am very proud that Liberal Democrats are part of the Government that brought it about.”
PinkNews also reached out to, Green Party candidate Davy Jones who said “of course I do [support same-sex marriage]”. Mr Jones has campaigned for gay rights in the past.
While UKIP candidate Ian Buchanan said he originally opposed same-sex marriage before legislation was introduced, he told PinkNews that now the law is in place, he wouldn’t seen to remove it.
He said: “Love is a beautiful thing”, and repealing same-sex marriage would be “the last thing on the agenda”.
Dave Hill, the PPC for the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition said: “I am in full support of gay marriage.”
Independent candidate Joe Nielson, when asked by PinkNews whether he supports same-sex marriage, said “YES. Love is for everyone.”
Matt Taylor, also an Independent, said: “I could never publicly declare I DON’T support gay marriage, even if it was to win 1500 votes.”
When asked who they would urge voters to choose if all candidates supported same-sex marriage, a spokesman for the Coalition for Marriage told PinkNews: “Our plans for the General Election have not yet been finalised, but we hope that the millions of ordinary people who back traditional marriage and the hundreds of thousands of people who signed our petition will, like many others, play a full part in the General Election.
“We would encourage our supporters and more generally all eligible adults to attend hustings and other political meetings and to vote. We hope they will back those candidates, Conservative, Labour, Lib Dem, UKIP or other mainstream parties who backed traditional marriage, or who back meaningful safeguards, to protect people like Adrian Smith, the former housing manager from Trafford, or Brian Barkley, the former Red Cross volunteer.”
The Coalition for Marriage, which failed to stop the introduction of marriages equality – is now trying to void the marriages of gay and lesbian couples who have already married.