Six of the most read PinkNews stories about Grindr

To celebrated the 6th birthday of gay lifestyle app Grindr, PinkNews brings you the six most read Grindr stories from the past six months.
According to the app, since “2009, Grindr has experienced explosive growth and today has a huge global reach with guys logging into Grindr in 192 countries around the world.
“Grindr now has more than 1.6 million active daily users exchanging 70+ million chat messages and 5+ million pictures. Mexico and Brazil recently broke into the top five top countries for Grindr use, highlighting impressive growth in the Latin American market.”
Happy Birthday Grindr!
6. A DC Comics superhero is to join the app in an upcoming series
Rogue hero Midnighter was revealed to be getting his own comic series earlier this year, which is set to make a debut in June.
The openly gay superhero – who first appeared in the DC Universe in 1998 – has been described as a “hyper-confident” gay man, and who will explore his identity in the upcoming series.
5. Wife asks the internet for help after she finds her husband on Grindr
A mother has asked for help on Mumsnet – after catching her husband using a gay hookup app.
The user of the parenting forum asked for help after finding her husband’s profile – complete with a picture of him posing in his underwear in their ensuite bathroom.
However, she eventually decided: “he’s been living with this huge burden and I have no intention of destroying him or his reputation so long as he plays fair.”
The conference had also been condemned by the Log Cabin Republicans LGB group, who claimed they were blocked from sponsoring the event.
However, the anti-gay rhetoric surrounding the event has seemingly done little to dissuade men attending from trying to hook up.
3. This man collected Grindr messages and let his mum read them out, unedited
Riyadh, a YouTuber, recorded an episode of his vlog during which his mum sits beside him, and reads out Grindr messages he has accumulated over a week.
She seems to be fairly open minded about it, and only passes judgement on who is fit to date her son.
2. An aspiring rabbi is using Grindr to promote Shabbat
Matt Green, a student at Hebrew Union College in New York, has been given a university grant to engage members of the community on the Grindr app.
Green used the app to invite locals to Shabbat dinners. When he added that he was training as a Rabi to his profile he received lots of responses.
1. Conan O’Brien joined Grindr
The comedian tried out the app on his talk show, Conan, alongside out actor and game show host Billy Eichner.
“I explored the world of Tinder a little while ago. Since I did, people have been telling me I should try this thing called Grindr.
“I think I’m straight, I’ve been married happily for a long time, but then there are times – like when Ryan Gosling’s on the show.”