Anti-gay marriage Stewart Jackson stands by ‘Never bother me again’ message

Tory candidate Stewart Jackson has defended a message he sent to a lesbian constituent.
He sent the message “Please feel free to never bother me again” to Laura O’Sullivan after she complained that a letter from his campaign had used her maiden name – and she took the opportunity to criticise his views on same-sex marriage. He voted against the same-sex marriage bill while he was an MP.
Mr Jackson defended his response, by saying: “I stand by my comments. I am not prepared to be intimidated by this rude woman.
“There is a group of people who can’t accept that you can have a different view of same sex marriage.
“These people claim to be liberal but are pretty intolerant. She was not looking for a meaningful exchange of views.
“I should not have to take abuse from people like her on social media or anywhere else. A lot of people have said to me that they would have done the same thing.
“I did not make any comments about her sexuality or her family.”
He also pointed out that he is not an MP since the dissolution of Parliament on Monday.
“At that time I was effectively a parliamentary candidate and had ceased to be an MP. But I would probably not have sent the comment if I had been at a normal sitting of Parliament.
“It goes without saying that as an MP I would seek to assist any constituent.”