Hate group leader says gays cost the government billions of dollars

US radio host Mat Staver has “lovingly discussed the cost of homosexuality”.
Mr Staver – who insists he’s not anti-gay despite calling gay people a “crime against nature” – is the founder of hate group Liberty Counsel. On his radio show he said: “Many Christians shy away from discussing  homosexuality but at Liberty Council we want to help.
“Studies repeatedly show that homosexual conduct can result in significant cost to the community that encourages it.
“Same sex marriage leads to the devaluation of both a mother and a father who each provide a unique contribution to the family.
“Studies estimate that over the course of 26 years, our government spent more than $225 billion that could be directly attributed to the breakdown of the family culture and its resulting social consequences.
“Homosexuals need to feel God’s love for them while also understanding that their actions have costly consequences to the community that surrounds them and to themselves.”
He did not specify which studies he was referring to.
Listen to the full segment below, via Right Wing Watch.