Marco Rubio: Being gay is not a choice

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Presidential candidate Marco Rubio has said he doesn’t believe being gay is a choice, but still doesn’t believe in same-sex marriage.

Currently the Senator for Florida, Marco Rubio has previously said that while he might disgaree with someone’s decision, it would not prevent him attention a loved one’s same-sex wedding.

He said: “If thereā€™s somebody that I love thatā€™s in my life, I donā€™t necessarily have to agree with their decisions or the decisions theyā€™ve made to continue to love them and participate in important events.”

On Sunday, he was asked by CBS news’s Bob Schieffer if, since he is against same-sex marriage, he believed homosexuality is a choice.

Senator Rubio replied: “It’s not that I’m against gay marriage. I believe the definition of the institution of marriage should be between one man and one woman.

“States have alwatys regulated marriage and if a state wants to have a different definition, you should petition the state legislature and have a political debate.

“I don’t think courts should be making that decision and I don’t believe same-sex marriage is a constitutional right.

“I also don’t believe that your sexual preferences are a choice for the vast and enormous majority of people.

“The bottom line is, I believe that sexual preference is something people are born with.”

Potential rival to the Republican nomination, Rick Santorum, has stated he would not attend a same-sex wedding.