This man cracked his penis open after injecting it with Vaseline

A man was left unable to have sex, after injecting his penis with Vaseline.
24-year-old Szilveszter had been unhappy with the size of his penis – and made the injections in order to try and lengthen it on a friend’s recommendation.
However, the Vaseline swelled his penis enormously, leaving doctors to have to “skin it like a banana” in order to prevent further damage.
He told Extreme Beauty Disasters, on TLC: “I said to my friend I want to lose weight as I think my penis is small. He said you don’t need to lose weight, I can help you. My friend injected in my penis Vaseline. Afterwards I was happy as it looked bigger.”
However, after the penis began to painfully swell, he had to seek medical treatmwent.
He continued: “Every day is difficult for me as it’s very painful and bleeding. This was the worst mistake in my life as I don’t feel like a real man.”
Plastic surgeon Dr Vik Vijh, who treated the man, said: “It’s not a pretty slight, it’s inflammed, it’s sore, it’s misshapen, his penis is a disaster.
“I’ve been doing plastic surgery now for 20 years and I have never seen anything like this. Injecting petroleum jelly into the penis makes no sense on any level.”
He told Szilveszter: “Your body has formed scar tissue around the Vaseline because it’s a foreign body, your body is trying to ward it off and it gives you these painful lumps, it will soon start to ulcer through the skin.
“The other problem is the foreskin is swelling and splitting – the foreskin is 15 times more swollen than should be.”
After a complex operation, which involved ‘skinning’ the penis and replacing it with skin grafts – the man is expected to make a recovery.
He said later: “I am much better. It has healed well, it’s painfree and working. I can have sex with my wife again.”