Old man interrupts SCOTUS screaming ‘Homosexuality is an abomination!’

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a white background.

A man attempted to storm the courtroom at the US Supreme Court today, screaming the words “homosexuality is an abomination”.

Security scrambled as theĀ older man with white hair and a beard stood up in the court and screamed the words, continuing inaudibly about how much of a tragedy it would be if same-sex marriage were made legal.

Videos of the man were posted online, and he was removed from the courtroom by security.

After the doors were closed he could still be heard from within the chamber, reports the Wall Street Journal.

Arguments were heard today at the Supreme Court around whether same-sex couples across the US should have marriage rights.

It was asked whetherĀ those in poly relationships should be given the same rights, and was compared with a now defunct ban on interracial marriage.

The court beganĀ hearing oral arguments inĀ a ground-breaking case concerning marriage bans in the states of Michigan, Ohio, Tennessee, and Kentucky, in the first large-scale Supreme Court action on the issue since a rulingĀ in favour of equality during 2013ā€™s United States v Windsor.

Ahead of the case, hundreds of amicus briefs have been filed by concerned parties ā€“ with President Obamaā€™s administration urging the court to strike down bans on same-sex marriage, while Republicans in Congress urged the court not to.

However, in a sure-fire sign that Republicans donā€™t want to be seen on the wrong side of history in the case, just 57 out of the partyā€™s 299 Members of Congress signed the brief, which argues states should be allowed to decide if gays are allowed to marry.

In contrast, a brief from the Democrats in favour of equality was signed by 211 of the partyā€™s 232 Members of Congress.

A number of leading employers have also urged the court to strike down the ban, with aĀ number of corporate rivals have put their differencesĀ aside to sign a joint legal brief.

Bitter rivals ā€“ including Microsoft, Apple and Google, Twitter and Facebook, eBay and Amazon ā€“ put their differences aside to sign on to the brief.

Other iconic businesses to support same-sex marriage include Walt Disney, Coca-Cola, Nike, Visa, American Apparel, Verison, General Mills, Barnes & Noble.