Green Party wants every teacher to be trained to teach LGBTIQ issues

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The Green Party wants every teacher in the country to be trained to teach aboutĀ LGBTIQĀ issues, the party has revealedĀ in aĀ manifesto today.

A week before the General Election, the party today launched its specific manifesto for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer voters at an event in Soho, which builds on the main manifesto’s commitments to equality.

The LGBTIQ manifestoĀ pledges to reform the system of pensions to be fairer to same-sex couples. At current, all same-sex spouses and civil partners areĀ only eligibleĀ to receive survivor benefits at a lower widowerĀ rate than is provided for heterosexualĀ widows.

It says: “Make equal marriage truly equal. Same-sex partners should be entitled to exactly the same pension inheritance rights as any other couple.”

It also pledges to end the ‘spousal veto ‘ – a stipulation inĀ the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act that married transgender people can onlyĀ be legally recognised as their correct gender if their spouse gives permission..

On education, the party goes further than a pledge by Labour and the Liberal Democrats to introduce statutory LGBT-inclusive sex education.

The party says: “Too many LGBTIQ people have their school life marred by homophobic, biphobic or transphobic bullying.

“More do not receive the LGBTIQ-inclusive education they need to navigate life. By improving education and challenging bullying every student would be given the chance to succeed in life and be well-resourced enough to look after their health and wellbeing.”

In addition to a pledge to “provide mandatory HIV, sex, and relationships education ā€“ age appropriate and LGBTIQ-inclusive ā€“ in all schools from primary level onwards”, the party says it would “ensure every teacher is a qualified teacher, skilled up to provide an LGBTIQ-inclusive education and look after pupils’ wellbeing”.

It also calls for a reform to the immigration system, calling for “an immediate moratorium on deportation of LGBTIQ refugees until the system is reformed”.

In a PinkNews Q&A today, Natalie Bennett said she is “open” to polyamorous marriages and civil partnerships.

Ms Bennett said: “At present, we do not have a policy on civil partnerships involving more than two people.

“We are, uniquely in this country, a party whose policies are developed and voted for by our members.

“We have led the way on many issues related to the liberalisation of legal status in adult consenting relationships, and we are open to further conversation and consultation.”