Wow – this anti-gay website has found one gay man who opposes same-sex marriage

This Christian website which is strongly opposed to same-sex marriage published an opinion piece in which one gay man in the US says he opposes same-sex marriage.
The Christian Instituted published a comment piece from the Federalist written by a 30-year-old gay man who, “for fear of being targeted by gay rights activist”, used the pseudonym Paul Rosnick.
In the article, Rosnick claims that there “are a significant number of gays and lesbians who oppose same-sex marriage.”
Continuing, he says he thinks that support for same-sex marriage is based on “one audiciously bald-faced lie”, and that “it’s about time we realize this very basic truth and stop pretending that all relationships are created equal.”
Noting that recent polls have shown support for same-sex marriage in the US at around 60%, Rosnick writes: “Redefining marriage to include same-sex couples relegates this once noble institution to nothing more than a lousy love contract. This harms all of society by turning marriage, the bedrock of society, into a meaningless anachronism.”
Stating the importance of being able to raise children, Rosnick also says he thinks gay relationships are “suboptimal environments for raising children”.
The Christian Institute also noted a book written by actress Dawn Stefanowicz, who was raised by a gay man, who is also opposed to same-sex marriage.
The Supreme Court heard arguments this week in a case that could cement equality in all 50 states.