Teachers in Birmingham receiving death threats for teaching gay equality
Teachers at schools in Birmingham say they have received abuse for teaching about same-sex relationships.
Headteachers say the “Trojan Horse” issue – where schools were being unduly influenced by extreme Islamist ideas – had not yet been dealt with.
Speaking at the National Association of Headteachers conference in Liverpool, Sarah Hewitt-Clarkson said: “Trojan Horse issues have not gone away. Those of us who were involved, we knew it was the tip of the iceberg.
“We still have dead animals hung on the gates of schools, dismembered cats on playgrounds.
“We have petitions outside schools, objecting to teachers teaching against homophobia.
“We have death threats on Facebook, for example towards me, ‘or any headteacher who teaches my children it’s all right to be gay will be at the end of my shotgun’.
She made the comments while calling for better training for school governors.