Rome celebrates first same-sex civil unions

The first civil unions to be officially registered in Rome were celebrated today, as twenty couples became the first to register at City Hall.
Thursday was dubbed ‘Celebration Day’ by Rome’s Mayor Iganzio Marino.
Twenty couples, fourteen gay and six straight, registered their civil unions at City Hall.
One lone protester attempted to interrupt the day, reports Ansa, shouting “You are ruining Italy”, before leaving of his own accord.
The liberal mayor celebrated the unions todays, with both same-sex and opposite sex couples and their families attending. Rome permits same-sex couples to enter into local civil unions, despite an ongoing national ban on same-sex marriage in the country.
It was part of Rainbow Week in Rome, devoted to fighting homophobia in memory of a teenage boy who took his own life after facing homophobic bullying. It will also mark the first same-sex civil unions carried out in Italy’s capital city after legislation to allow them comes into force.
The Mayor has repeatedly clashed with the government for registering same-sex marriages that were registered abroad. The Mayor of Milan said he faced criminal charges for doing the same thing.
The European Union is putting member states under pressure to adopt same-sex marriage and civil unions, and Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has called on officials to push forward on civil unions across the country. Former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi said last year he too supports civil unions.
Some regions of Italy allow civil unions, but many do not, and it is hoped the “mass wedding day” will give a strong message to encourage other regions to follow Rome’s lead.
Councillor Imma Battaglia told Corriere della Cerra: “It will be a celebration of love but will also be a big political push to fill the legislative gap on the issue, which makes the lives of homosexual people harder. Let’s stop discrimination: this is the message Rome wants to send.”
Same-sex marriage was rejected by Italy’s highest court this year.