Sam Smith: I love that homophobes listen to my music

Sam Smith has said he enjoys the idea of people who oppose his rights listening to his music.
The singer, who came out last year, gave his first gay press interview this week to French magazine Têtu for its 20th anniversary edition.
He told the magazine that he has fans who still have no idea about his sexuality – which is not overtly referenced in his music.
He said: “I like the idea that there may be homophobic guys who listen to my record and they have no clue that I’m gay!”
Smith does not explicitly refer to a male love interest in his music, explaining previously: “I don’t want to limit to just one community. I want to reach everyone, gay people, lesbians, transsexuals, straight people, Catholics, anyone.”
The singer also expanded on his plans to set up a gay rights foundation, which he had previously hinted at earlier this year.
He said: “I would like to become a voice for gay youth in difficulty around the world. I just created a foundation.”
In a previous interview, he said: “[It involves] money going to gay guys who are struggling to come out in different countries.
“I’m very aware that we are not where we should be, so I’m trying to play my part. But in a certain way, in my way.”
“I may not be comfortable with my weight, or with the way I look, but I’m really comfortable with my sexuality. That’s one thing I have mastered.”