Goldsmiths diversity officer keeps job after ‘kill all white men’ tweets

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A diversity officer at Goldsmiths universityĀ who tweeted “Kill All Men” will be allowed to keep her job – after a petition to oust her failed to gain enough signatures.

Bahar Mustafa, the welfare and diversity officer at the Studentsā€™ Union of Goldsmiths, University of London, came under fireĀ this month for tweeting ā€œkill all white menā€Ā  – as well as putting on events that banned white people.

Ms Mustafa defended the tweets, which she said were “in-Ā­jokes and ways that many people in the queer feminist community express ourselves” sent from her “personal account”.

A petition was launched for a vote of no confidence, which could have ousted her from her position – but it has this week failed to gather enough signatures.

The student union requires 3 percent (240 students) of its 8,000 members to sign a petition to force a vote – but just 1.9 percent (165 students) did so.

A spokesman told the Independent: “Following actions taken during the occupation of a university building last month, 165 students signed a petition calling for a Vote of No Confidence in Welfare and Diversity Officer Bahar Mustafa.

“This represents 1.9% of our 8,000+ members and our rules require 3% to have signed to trigger a referendum.

“The petition has therefore failed and so a vote will not take a place.

“However, we recognise that some students and a large number of people outside of the organisation are unhappy with the work of our elected representatives.

“We are looking at how we can address those concerns in dialogue with our members and with our trustees, who oversee our work.”