LGBT group pushes for same-sex marriage in Guernsey
The Channel Island’s LGBT group Liberate is pushing for equal marriage with its “Union Civile” campaign.
Jersey and Guernsey –  which have a combined population of just 165,000 –  maintain autonomy from the UK as crown dependencies, and as such are not subject to British law.
The islands lag behind England, Wales and Scotland on LGBT rights issues. In Guernsey civil partnerships were never introduced, same-sex marriage is not recognised and same-sex adoption is illegal, while the age of consent was only equalised in 2010.
Liberate campaigned for same-sex marriage on Jersey, where it is due to be introduced before 2017.
Martin Gavert, Liberate chair, said: “Guernsey tries to promote itself as a modern, forward looking society in many ways.
“However, it sadly lags far behind many other jurisdictions when it comes to being a fair and equal society.
“This is our chance as an island to help put this right by supporting the Policy Council’s proposition to introduce Union Civile legislation. It is not just about marriage equality – it is about Guernsey being a fair and equal island, which values each and everyone of its citizens.”
Liberate emphasise that they are campaigning for full marriage equality – not civil partnerships.
The Chief Minister of Guernsey has called for the island to allow same-sex couples to adopt.