Australian Senator says ‘silent majority’ will not allow same-sex marriage

Liberal Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells says a “silent majority” of Australians oppose same-sex marriage.
She believes allowing a conscience vote on the issue will lead to a split in her party.
She told the ABC: “Whenever it comes up at whatever stage, my sense is the view in the parliament will reflect the review of the majority of the Australian public – that is marriage is between a man and a woman.
“There’s only two things that are inevitable in life and that’s death and taxes.
“I do not believe there is at the grassroots of the Liberal Party any overwhelming support for a change to such a fundamental bedrock issue.”
The governing Liberal Party, led by Prime Minister Tony Abbott, have been traditionally opposed to same-sex marriage.
Just five Government MPs showed up to the debate on the issue in Parliament this week.
The bill was introduced by opposition leader Bill Shorten. Australia remains the only major developed English speaking nation that does not allow same-sex marriage anywhere in it’s borders.
Prime Minister Abbott continues to publicly oppose it, despite his sister Christine Forster being in a same-sex relationship. She believes it will be introduces this year in spite of her brother’s opposition.