Radio 4’s James Naughtie calls Caitlyn Jenner ‘he/she’

The presenter of BBC Radio 4’s Today Programme has come under fire for misgendering Caitlyn Jenner.
The step-parent to the Kardashians, Caitlyn Jenner revealed her new name as she appeared on the latest cover of Vanity Fair.
Twitter users were quick to condemn presenter James Naughtie for continuing to refer to Jenner by her previous name, Bruce.
He also appeared confused about which gender pronouns to use, switching between he and she, and finally settling on he/she.
Mr Naughtie apologised on Twitter later on.
He said: “If Caitlyn Jenner wishes to be known as she, of course she’s entitled to that, and I’m sorry for saying ”he’ on air. A bit sloppy.”
Mr Naughtie made headlines in for misspeaking the name of then Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt, accidentally calling him an offensive and vulgar word. His mistake was then repeated by BBC presenter Andrew Marr when discussing Mr Naughtie’s words, and then again in the House of Commons by gay minister Nick Herbert.
A BBC reporter made a similar mistake when quoting a UKIP member who had described the party as a “cult of personality“.