Daily Mail columnist: If LGBT people are a family, I’m a Nigerian lesbian

Richard Littlejohn says if LGBT parents are a family, he is a Nigerian lesbian.
In a column for the Daily Mail, Mr Littlejohn discussed a case of a family comprised of several LGBT people, including trans people, and their nine year old daughter. He expressed disbelief that such an arrangment could be considered a family.
He said: “Did no one at any stage stop to think what might be in the best interests of the child?
“The lesbians were busy exercising their ‘right’ to have a baby by artificial insemination. Matthew was exercising his ‘right’ to become a man.
“But what about their responsibilities towards Alice? Where the hell were social services in all of this? Celebrating diversity, probably.”
“When Call Me Dave became Conservative leader in 2005, he insisted that we must support families of all shapes and sizes.
“Fair enough. But I don’t think Alice’s dysfunctional ‘family’ — two lesbian mums with psychiatric problems, a gay sperm donor dad and a transsexual ‘step-father’ who encouraged her to become a boy — is exactly what he had in mind.”
He also spoke about the recent coming out of former Olympian and reality TV star Caitlyn Jenner.
“According to the new orthodoxy, people are allowed to self-define their gender. So if a man says he’s a woman, then the rest of us have to go along with it. There is no reasoning with these fanatics.
“Presumably, then, I could announce that I was a Nigerian lesbian and no one would be able to argue with me. This is madness.
“Look, I’ve written before that I support the right of the tiny number of people affected by gender dysphoria to receive treatment on the NHS. But there are other considerations, not least the impact on any children involved.”
 In April, Littlejohn attacked HIV+ parlimentary candidate Adrian Hyyrylainen-Trett.