Catholic Archbishops have attempted to exorcise the entire nation of Mexico – to attempt to rid the country of the “Satanic infestation” of same-sex marriage.
Same-sex marriages are slowly becoming legal across Mexico after a string of patchwork legislative moves and court rulings.
However, the increasing equality for gay couples has upset Church leaders in the deeply religious country – so much so that they have attempted to exorcise the entirety of Mexico.
The Archbishop of San Luis Potosi, Carlos Cabrero, and Cardinal Juan Sandoval Iñiguez joined together to perform the “Magno Exorcismo” (great exorcism) last month, following the expansion of marriage rights.
Famous exorcist Father José Antonio Fortea, who helped perform the exorcism, told right-wing blog Breitbart the move was necessary because “undoubtedly the abortion, Satanism, corruption, the cult of ‘holy’ death and the legalization of sexual aberrations have caused great satanic infestation throughout Mexico.”
He added: “The exorcism performed in San Luís Potosí is the first ever carried out in Mexico in which the exorcists came from different parts of the country and gathered together to exorcise the powers of darkness, not from a person, but from the whole country.”
However, if the move was meant to stop same-sex marriage, it wasn’t too effective.
The country’s Supreme Court ruled this week that banning couples from marrying is unconstitutional – paving the way for same-sex marriage decision has now been made on a country-wide level.