The Pope’s advice to trans people? ‘Accept the body God gave you’

The Pope has given some advice to transgender people – that they should just accept the body that came as “God’s gift”.
The Pope made the comments in his encylclical, which was published yesterday.
He wrote: “The acceptance of our bodies as God’s gift is vital for welcoming and accepting the entire world as a gift from the Father and our common home,” the Pope wrote.
The Pope also attacked gender theory, suggesting that trans people are actually just struggling with same-sex attraction.
“For example, I ask myself, if the so-called gender theory is not, at the same time, an expression of frustration and resignation, which seeks to cancel out sexual difference because it no longer knows how to confront it … the removal of difference in fact creates a problem, not a solution.”
“Whereas thinking that we enjoy absolute power over our own bodies turns, often subtly, into thinking that we enjoy absolute power over creation,” he continued.
The encyclical was announced in 2014, and includes a section on “human ecology”.
The Pope last weekend hit out at gay parents, suggesting they are not able to properly raise children, at the same time that LGBT Pride was taking place in Rome.
Despite a recent PR blitz attempting to bolster his gay-friendly image, the Pope is yet to lift any of the actively homophobic and transphobic policies of his predecessors.
He has also rallied against same-sex marriage, inviting representatives from listed hate groups to a ‘traditional marriage’ conference last year, and recently urged Slovakians to vote against equal marriage.
The Catholic leader has also compared transgender people to nuclear weapons.
The Pope earlier this month personally met with France’s proposed ambassador to the Vatican – to tell him his appointment will be blocked because he is gay.
The French government has refused to back down after selectingopenly gay diplomat Laurent Stefanini to head to the home of the Catholic Church – which remains actively opposed to LGBT rights.
However, the Vatican snubbed the country’s selection of ambassador – refusing to answer the nomination in a bid to get it withdrawn.
The first civil unions to be officially registered in Rome were celebrated last month, as twenty couples became the first to register at City Hall.
The Mayor of Rome has repeatedly clashed with the government for registering same-sex marriages that were registered abroad, and cracks have appeared in the relationship between Italy and the Vatican over gradual acceptance of LGBT issues.