For some reason, Fox News commentators don’t look too happy today…

Grim-faced Fox News correspondents look like they’re having a bit of a bad day.
The US Supreme Court has today ruled that same-sex marriage is a constitutional right – paving the way for weddings in all 50 states.
The highest court in the US made the 5-4 decision after hearing ‘mega-case’ Obergefell v. Hodges.
Fox News is known for its conservative stance – and regularly features commentators who are militantly opposed to LGBT rights.
A Fox News pundit recently blamed society’s acceptance of transgender people for the deaths of nine people in a mass shooting.
In February, Fox’s Erick Erickson compared gay rights to mass-murdering terrorists Islamic State, writing: “The divide between Islamic extremists and gay rights extremists is at death. They meet on the line at destruction.”
His website also carried a column claiming that NFL player Michael Sam and his fiancé should go to Iraq and confront ISIS instead of demanding equal rights.
He has also previously claimed that the US government is spending money on researching “fat lesbians” instead of trying to cure Ebola.
(h/t @Gaywonk)