The world’s only transgender modelling agency will open for bookings this summer

The world’s very first all-transgender modelling agency is set to open for bookings this summer.
In November 2014, Thailand’s Apple Model Management became the first agency in the world to represent transgender models, in addition to its non-trans male and female models.
This summer, however, the brands US office – Apple Model Management L.A. – will open its doors to exclusively represent transgender models.
“We see trans individuals as beautiful,” says L.A. agency director Cecilio Asuncion.
“Our strong commitment to developing them as successful models is never about quantifying or qualifying their gender.
“It’s never a question of if they are women or men, it’s about their passion and commitment to being the best possible models they can be.”
Asuncion – whose award winning documentary film “What’s the T?” focused on the lives of a variety of transgender women – added that there have been trans models throughout history such as Candy Darling, Caroline Cossey, Octavia Saint Laurent and now Andreja Pejic – but that society’s perception of the trans community hindered their success.
“But their full potential was never reached because of the stigma the community-at-large had towards the trans community,” he says. “This has to change.”
With six transgender women already on the agency’s books, they are now seeking additional transgender male and female models.
Barney’s of New York was last year praised for the inclusion of 17 transgender models in their spring catalogue and magazine campaign.Â