13 amazing adverts featuring same-sex couples

Following a report finding that on-screen LGBT representation is still often lacking, PinkNews looks at some ads that do it right.
With support for LGBT rights continuing to grow – with same-sex marriage now being legal in 18 countries – it’s no surprise that companies and brands have been using more and more same-sex representation in their advertising.
Retailers such as GAP and JC Penney have often come under fire from anti-gay groups for using same-sex couples in their adverts, in particular in the JC Penney Father’s day advert using two dads. We’ve decided to bring together 13 of our favourites for you.
1. Kindle Paperwhite
Amazon gave us this beauty back in 2013 whilst showing their clear support for same-sex marriage. The ad shows a man sitting on a deck chair struggling to read from his tablet, whilst the woman next to him isn’t struggling at all, despite the glaring the sun due to her kindle.
After convincing him to buy a Kindle Paperwhite, the two decide to celebrate with the woman saying “my husband’s bringing me a drink”. The man’s response – “So’s mine”.
When the camera pans to the two husbands at the bar, it is impossible to distinguish which one is gay.
2. Wells Fargo
Get your tissues at the ready, because this advert is definitely one that can melt your heart.
The ad features two women learning American Sign Language for a number of phrases – including “nice to meet you”, “let’s read a book”, and “are you cold?”.
Although it’s not altogether clear why they’re learning at first – you understand when the couple sign: “Hello beautiful. We’re going to be your new mummies”.
Before the same-sex marriage bill in the US, Wells Fargo were one of many companies that joined together to call for the bans to be struck down.
3. Cow and Gate supplements
Everybody remembers this little ditty from their childhood – and we definitely clapped.
Being one of the most recent adverts to make our list, the commercial is saturated with diversity – showing families that appear to be from all walks of life – culminating in an apparently same-sex couple playing piano with their baby.
4. LYNX Hair products
Although LYNX adverts are often seemingly aimed towards heterosexual men, with their branding focused on “the LYNX effect”, this advert targets a wider audience.
The commercial does start with the idea of: “You’ll have a life, wife and possibly kids” – however the advert suggests that our spiky haired protagonist is possibly bisexual.
In a casablanca-esque montage, the narrator says: “Go out, see amazing things, get an amazing job, kiss the hottest girl…Or the hottest boy!”
Definitely an improvement for this men’s grooming company.
5.Tide (Washing Powder)
Turns out our friends in the Great White North have household squabbles just like the rest of us – especially when it comes to “the pantry of shame”.
The ad is funny from the outset, talking about how due to Tide’s cleaning power: “Gets the stains out in the first wash – now all our mistakes are behind us.”
“Like your cargo shorts?” One of the pair jibe.
The other replies through a sickly sweet smile: “Like your ex?”
6. Spotify
We all know the experience of not knowing what to write in a message to somebody and your creative block just leaves you with: “adsnfkjasndfhansdf!”
Spotify summed up those feelings in this very creative ad about how, for this particular guy, it’s easier to say it in song.
7. AirBnB
AirBnB is one of the world’s most used online accommodation finders, and for many LGBT people it’s a scary experience. It can be dangerous if you end up in the wrong atmosphere.
To celebrate Pride, AirBnB created the #HostWithPride film in which we look at four different couples/families from different points of the queer spectrum.
“Travelling is a form of freedom.” said one of the participants, whilst another stated: “I would love to really experience a world knowing that your welcome anywhere you go.”
8. DirecTV (NFL advert)
The NFL superbowl is one of the most watched events in the US and across a lot of the world – it’s also been well known for playing host to a lot of LGBT positive adverts, including a Coca-Cola advert last year.
DirecTV use their commercial to subvert one of the most common gay stereotypes – gays don’t like sports. The ad features two opposing fans – “Giants – Cowboys. You know the deal” who also happen to be a couple. They tell us:
“Sure we still argue some times. We’re just like any couple really.”
9. Anouk Apparell
Described by LGBT activist Ashok Row Kavi as a “bold statement”, this advert was released in India – where homosexuality is illegal. It is believed to be the first advert in the country to depict same-sex a relationship.
The video was created by clothing company Anouk Ethnic and it depicts a couple getting ready for a visit from one of the women’s parents, who will be meeting her girlfriend for the first time.
Producer of the video, Avishek Ghosh, told the Times of India: “We tried to avoid the stereotypes associated with gay people.
“There was no one woman looking more masculine or feminine in the film. We tried to give it a candid feel like it is any other couple being apprehensive about meeting the parents.”
10. Tylenol
This Tylenol advert is split by two very important questions: “When were you first considered a family?” and “When did you first fight to be considered a family?”
The ad focuses interracial families, families with same-sex parents and more – each focusing on how a non-nuclear family is still a family.
11. Equal Marriage (From both sides of the Pond)
Before the same-sex marriage legislation in the UK and the US, many advocates took to the airwaves to voice their stance.
These adverts tug at your heart strings, showing veterans and their partners.
The American advert was previously banned on certain TV stations.
12. Renault Twingo
Renault have always had a knack for creating twists in their adverts – this is no exception.
As viewers, we are shown the trope of the traditional wedding on a day to day basis – but this one might change your perception of what’s considered a classic white wedding.
13. Straight Magazine
Ever thought you’d see German Chancellor Angela Merkel in a lesbian embrace? Well an LGBT magazine gave us just that.
Although the use of a Merkel lookalike has caused quite the stir across Germany, the editors of Straight claim it was not their aim to be overly confrontational.
They say they simply wanted to make their message clear to the German government – equality laws for homosexuals are outdated and “even Angela Merkel herself knows that.”
Magnum (One For Luck)
Although no couples – this commercial deserves an honorable mention.
Drag superstar, Willam Belli, took to our screens in this seducitive advert for ice-cream giants Magnum.
The ad features the Drag Race alum alongside other gender-nonconforming individuals under the tag line: “Be True to your pleasure”.
As well as the actual advert, three other videos were uploaded in which James, Blake and Gregory – who all associate as gender-noncomforming – talk about their personal gender identity.