Illinois just banned ‘gay cure’ therapy for minors

The Governor of Illinois has signed legislation which bans therapists from performing ‘gay cure’ therapy.
Governor Bruce Rauner signed the legislation on Thursday, despite it being unclear whether how he would react to the bill.
It bans licenced professional therapists from attempting to “change” the sexual orientation of a person under 18 years of age.
“These so-called `therapies’ treat homosexuality as a disease,” said co-sponsor Senator Daniel Biss in a statement after the legislation was signed.
“They’re out of date and can be deeply destructive to youth. Outlawing these practices is a small step in our pursuit for LGBT rights, but it’s an extremely important step in protecting young people in Illinois.”
A spokeswoman for the Governor, Catherine Kelly, said he has no agenda on the issue, and simply thinks the bill will protect children.
“The administration carefully reviewed this legislation to ensure it would not prohibit or otherwise interfere with religious freedom or family access to religious counseling,” Kelly said in a statement.
Rauner had apparently met with a survivor of attempts at the therapy, and that he had been moved by the experience.
In addition to banning the practice, the legislation also adds to the Consumer Fraud Act, and gives more scope for people to take legal action.