Can you guess which country has the highest proportion of gay weddings?
One country has more same-sex weddings than you’d think…
That’s right: according to the stats, Belgium has a higher proportion of gay weddings compared to all marriages than anywhere else.
A study from statistics website 10 and 3 looked at the ongoing prevalence of weddings across a period of time in early adopters – Belgium, Canada, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, and the US state of Massachusetts – all of whom have had equality for around a decade.
The website asked: “After the initial flurry of excitement has died down, and the queues for marriages licenses at city hall have subsided, what happens next? How often are same-sex marriages actually performed in these countries?”
Digging into data sets from across the various countries with equality, the researchers found that some countries defy expectations of a ‘bubble’ and continue to host a large number of weddings – while others, like Portugal, now see a comparatively low number.
Comparing the rate of same-sex marriages per year to the rate of total marriages, there were widely different results.
Massachusetts, which legalised same-sex marriage back in 2004, technically leads with 38 per thousand (3.8%) – but this is likely to have been skewed by the vast number of people travelling from other US Â states to marry, before equality became commonplace.
Belgium led the pack, with 24 same-sex weddings per thousand marriages – accounting for 2.4% of the total number. At the other end is Portugal, with just 9 gay marriages per thousand (0.9%).