The Westboro Baptist Church is now just picking fights with other homophobes

We’re not sure how many people will be losing sleep over the latest targets of the notoriously anti-gay Westboro Baptist Church…
The ‘God Hates Fags’ church, which is best known for picketing events including gay weddings and soldiers’ funerals over ‘fag marriage’, now seems to be more concerned with fighting other homophobes.
You’d think the hate group and Kentucky clerk Kim Davis this week might have a cause in common, given she was jailed for contempt of court after flouting orders to issue same-sex marriage licenses.
However, Westboro – whose pastor Fred Phelps died in March last year – didn’t show much sympathy on Twitter.
In a deluge of increasingly bitter tweets, the hate group took issue with the clerk’s multiple marriages and failure to obey the law.
Referring to her jailing, they wrote: “Judge jails Kentucky clerk Kim Davis for refusing to issue fag marriage licenses. Good; she’s an oath breaker!
“Kim Davis wouldn’t like it at Westboro Baptist Church: we obey man’s law as well as God’s.
“Proud adulterers who divorce/remarry and refuse to call it a sin are no more a WBC member than a proud fag.”
They even started correcting people comparing the two, writing: “KY clerk Kim Davis would NOT feel at home at Westboro Baptist. She a fake (hence her 3 husbands!)”
We’re sure they wouldn’t waste ALL their time bickering with other homophobes, though, would they?
The Church’s other target? The Pope.
No, seriously. Westboro bragged to PinkNews about their plans to protest the Pope “in three cities” on his trip to the US later this month.
We’re quaking in our boots…