Man hospitalised after brutal beating outside Ohio gay club

A gay man has been hospitalised after being kicked in the head during a homophobic attack outside an Ohio nightclub.
Matthew Jarrell said he was leaving the Bounce nightclub in Cleveland Ohio, when he was attacked by the man.
He said he was called a “faggot” by the man, before being punched to the ground and kicked in the head.
“This guy that was staring out my group of friends all night, looked at me and called me a faggot and punched me in the face,” he said.
“I guess after he hit me in the face, I fell and my head hit the curb. And I don’t really remember much after that. They said that he was kicking me in the head and yelling slurs at me while I was on the ground. I’m still in shock that happened and that things like this are still happening in the world that we live in.”
The 34 year old said he woke up so confused that he thought he was in Chicago.
“I have 80 percent hearing loss in my right ear. I have swelling and bleeding in the back of my brain with multiple abrasions,” he noted.
Police have reportedly noted a subject, but have not released his name, as he has not been charged, and there is no warrant out for his arrest.