New York Mets promise to stop trying to get baseball players to make out

The New York Mets baseball team has promised to stop using its kiss cam to ‘joke’ that players are gay.
The baseball team employs a ‘kiss cam’ – a common feature at sporting events that encourages couples to lock lips with eachother.
However, the team has frequently used it as a recurring gag, by featuring two members of the opposing team, suggesting that they are gay.
The team confirmed that it would no longer employ the gag, and the kiss cam will return to its usual purpose of generating awkwardness for people everywhere.
Jay Horwitz, the Mets’ VP of media relations, told CBS: “We have, on occasion, included players from opposing teams in our popular in-game kiss cam feature.
“While intended to be lighthearted, we unintentionally offended some. We apologize for doing so and no longer will include players in the feature.
“Our organization is wholly supportive of fostering an inclusive and respectful environment at games.”
Mets fan Etan Bednars told the broadcaster he was glad to see the feature gone, saying: “The most charitable thing to say is it’s a junior-high gay joke.
“All I can say is try to picture the same joke, the same dugout, with a man and woman and there’s no joke. There’s nothing funny about it.
“Tell me what the joke is without getting back to the basic sentence that the joke is the idea of two male athletes kissing, or two men kissing.”