Real-life gay family feature in cute ad for Star Wars soup (VIDEO)

Two gay fathers and their real-life son feature in the adorable advert.
Campbell’s Soup have been praised for their latest marketing campaign – after featuring a gay family in their latest advertisement.
And if the two fathers who star in the ad seem to have a natural chemistry with the child – and with each other – it’s because they are in fact a real-life family.
Larry Sullivan and David Monahan and their son Cooper star in the soup giant’s latest ad for its new Star Wars offering.
Taking inspiration from arguably one of the most iconic movie moments of all time, each dad does his best to channel James Earl Jones as the voice of Darth Vadar as they tell Cooper: ‘I am your Father.’
The advert is one of several with the tagline “Made for Real, Real Life.”
A spokesperson for Campbell’s explained that the family was so adorable that their planned fifteen second spot was extended to also include a 30 seconds instead.
“We use this phrase internally of this notion of ‘moment telling’,” Campbell’s Yin Woon Rani told AdAge.
“We wanted to tell just very simple, telegraphic stories that didn’t always need the space of thirty seconds.
“It was sort of a lucky extra because that story just ended up being so rich and so endearing.”
Campbell’s are latest addition to a growing number of companies that are increasing the inclusiveness of LGBT people in their marketing campaigns.
Snack giant Doritos last month unveiled a special rainbow-coloured edition, to raise money for a gay rights charity.
They join Stain remover Tide, who recently launched a pro-gay ad campaign taking aim at Kentucky clerk Kim Davis.