Woman enacts glorious Tinder revenge on exec who gouged AIDS drugs price

A woman was matched on Tinder with the former hedge fund manager who tried to gouge the price of an AIDS drug – but it didn’t go well for him.
Martin Shkreli, the 32-year-old founder and chief executive of Turing Pharmaceuticals, came under fire last month after buying the rights to 62-year-old drug Daraprim.
The drug costs less than $1 per tablet to make, and is used to treat conditions including AIDS-related toxoplasmosis.
However, Shkreli last month attempted to dramatically increasee the price of the drug from $13.50 per tablet to $750 – an increase of 5500%.
He eventually partly backed down, but only after provoking the anger of everyone from HIV charities to Donald Trump.
The millionaire was in for a rough ride on Tinder, when he was matched with writer Eve Peyser – who recognised him from the media coverage.
Swiping right for Shkreli, she asked: “Hey Maritn, DTGMAD?”
When he replied “What’s that lol”, she clarified “Down to give me AIDS drugs?”
He replied: “Hopefully you don’t need em”.
The pair proceed to have a Tinder-based interview, with Ms Peyser asking: “You did what so many big pharma heads do: privelege profit over regard for human life. You just got called out on it. Capitalism is awful.”
Shkreli tried to fight his side, arguing: “They don’t want to understand it and want to be angry at someone, so someone young and irreverent sounds good.”
However, he did not hold out hopes for his Tinder match, saying their differences are likely “irreconcilable”.
Writing for Mic, Ms Peyser wrote: “At first, I wanted to talk to Shkreli on Tinder partially because I wanted to validate my perception of him, because in my mind he was so clearly in the wrong.
“But when he gave me a cordial response to my questions, I started developing empathy for him.
She added:”Even though he has made decisions that I think have made the world a worse place, I can’t begin to imagine what it feels like to be on the receiving end of so much Internet outrage.
“After all, the guy can’t even Tinder anymore without his conversations going viral.
“I would never go out with Martin Shkreli; I prefer to date men who have demonstrated the capacity to feel empathy.
“I also don’t think Martin is the Edward Snowden of AIDS drugs, though I was wondering if Shkreli thought of himself that way.”