Chelsea Clinton pushed Hillary to support same-sex marriage

Chelsea Clinton has said she “absolutely” pushed her mum Hillary into supporting same-sex marriage.
Appearing on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Chelsea Clinton claimed to have helped shift Hillary’s perspective on marriage equality.
Explaining her own commitment to issue she said: “When I got married in 2010 to my best friend it just crystallised so fundamentally to me that everyone should be allowed to marry their best friend… So I joined the equal marriage fight in New York and we got equal marriage in New York in 2011.”
She added: “I am just so proud that our country is the country that I want my daughter to grow up in so she can marry whoever she want to marry.”
Hillary is now fully commited LGBT rights, promising to continue the fight for further rights, and she said earlier this year that she was “proud to celebrate a historic victory for marriage equality.”
But she has been criticised for her historic stance on LGBT rights, most recently for the revelation that she tried to block gay-friendly children’s passports in 2011.
The Presidential hopeful has made light of her previous position though, mocking herself for not supporting LGBT rights sooner in a Sunday Night Live sketch earlier this month.
Mrs Clinton appeared on Ellen’s show last month where she bust out some serious dance moves to hit US song “Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae).